Pumflet/ Alabama

Pumflet - art, architecture and stuff is serial publication co-founded with artist Kemang Wa Lehulere. The publication seeks to connect architectural spaces with cultural and social practices of the imagination. “Daar gaan die Alabama’ was the first iteration of the project. The project was conceptualised as a public intervention around the history and demolition in 1984 of an old city cinema. We discovered that the film was interrupted in order for bulldozers to proceed with demolition. The intervention included: the re-screening of the interrupted film on the pavement where the old cinema once stood; the display of newspaper clippings in the corner shop that now occupies the site; and the publication of Pumflet, a set of letter exchanges dwelling on the events surrounding the demolition.   

Photo by Lindsey Appolis

Photo by Barry Christianson

Photo by Barry Christianson

Photo by Barry Christianson
Pumflet/ Alabama Pumflet/ Alabama Reviewed by annegroberts7 on December 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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